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Moving Tips for Senior Citizens

No matter the size of your new home, moving is definitely more of a process than a single event. Moving really starts with the idea that you’ll be moving to another space and ends when you’ve unpacked everything and settled in.

It’s natural to feel like this process is too overwhelming or that you’ll never complete all of the items on your to-do list. In reality, there are some steps you can take along the way to make sure the moving process is completed in a smooth and efficient manner.

As a team of professional movers, White Glove Movers is well equipped to offer you moving advice. Here are some residential moving tips we’ve put together for senior citizens.

Create a timeline

Start from the moving date and move backwards to create a timeline of all the tasks that will need to be completed during the moving process. Keep your timeline as well as your list of to-do items in a notebook or folder so you’ll know where it as at all times.

You’ll also want to decide how much of the moving process you’re willing to complete yourself. Will you be doing all of the packing and labeling? Are you planning on renting a truck? Or would you like to hire a team of professional residential movers that will help you throughout the entire process? If you do decide to hire a professional moving team, be sure to keep their contact information in your notebook.

Don’t be afraid to downsize

Even if you’re moving into a space that’s relatively similar to your current one, it’s always a good idea to start downsizing early. A great way to start this is to focus on problem areas in your home that collect clutter. Whether it’s the basement, attic, closet, or spare bedroom, take the time to go through the areas so you can address the problem now. You’ll feel a lot better in your new space by avoiding clutter from the get-go.

Create a floor plan

When planning for a move, it’s important to know the size of your new space. Having the square footage handy will allow you to roughly map out where you’ll place furniture, bookshelves, the TV, and so on.

Knowing the square footage will also tell you how much you’ll need to downsize. If your new space is about half the size of your current home, then you’ll need to reduce your clothing, knick-knacks, and more by about half as well.

Pass special items on now

If you have to do some serious downsizing for your move, it can be difficult to let your prized possessions go because you know their value. If you know one of your family members appreciates one of your items, be willing to share it with them. If you’re willing, it’s also a great idea to donate items so those in need can put them to good use. You’ll feel good about donating your items for a good cause too.

Moving can be a strain in your physical, mental, and emotional status. If you feel you need help, be sure to reach out to friends and family. You can also hire a team of professional movers to assist you with the packing, transportation, and heavy lifting.

To make your next move as easy as possible, call White Glove Movers today.

The Art of Labeling (Labeling For Self Packers)

One of the easiest ways to get confused when moving is by not taking the time to stay organized. Packing and labeling your household items with care is a key step for moving into your new space.

If you want to save yourself headaches and frustration in the long run, be sure to identify a labeling system that works for you. Whether you prefer descriptive labels, colored labels, or a number system, you’ll find tips and tricks below for labeling like a professional mover.

Invest in the proper labeling tools

What you’re labeling with makes all the difference. When prepping for your move, stop by the office section of the store and pick up some high-quality permanent markers. You may be thinking you should be saving money, but the truth is, if you invest in a quality set of markers, they’ll be easier to read and they’ll last you beyond the move. Be sure to choose markers that are bright and permanent.

If you’re thinking of adopting a color-coded labeling system, be sure to choose a pack of markers with at least five different colors. Choosing a well-known brand that you trust is also key.

Ensure the markers you pick up are permanent and waterproof since it may be difficult to tell what the weather will be like on moving day. As a team of professional residential movers, we’ve learned that it’s best to use permanent markers that will stand up to rain and snow and won’t smudge all over the sides of your boxes like non-waterproof markers do.

Take advantage of ready-to-use labels

Did you start packing at the last minute? Save time by using premade labels instead of writing them all out by hand. Thanks to modern technology, there are plenty of online places that offer ready-to-use labels – and they’re free. These kinds of labels will already have different rooms printed on them, which means all you’ll have to do is fill out the contents of each box.

If you do have some extra time and want to get creative, you can always create your own labels, which would make the moving process more fun.

Add color to your boxes

If you’re into using a color-coded system, you can use multiple tools to ensure your boxes are easily identifiable. Using color coordinated tape and labels is a great way to enhance box identification and stay organized during your transition.

Another way to label like a professional mover is to assign colors to certain bedrooms. For example, choose the color green to represent your bedroom. Write the word “Bedroom” in green to signify all of the boxes that should end up in your bedroom. Additionally, you should specify the exact contents of the box.

As professional movers that have been serving the Cedar Rapids area since 2004, the team at White Glove movers knows that in addition to these colored labels, you should use the corresponding tape color to make your boxes stand out even more during the moving process.

Once you’ve labeled all of your bedroom boxes, choose a different color for the kitchen, bathroom, living room, and so on. This will make unpacking so much easier.

By following these tips, and taking the time to organize yourself from the get-go you’ll be labeling like a professional mover in no time!

Moving Made Easy: Who to Notify When You Move

When you’re preparing to move, you’re dealing with a lot. From packing (which we can assist with), to taking inventory, and the making the physical move itself, there’s a lot to keep track of. To the average person, it may seem as easy as completing a change of address form with the post office, but it’s not. Even though it feels like the number of items on your moving checklist never dwindles, it’s important to avoid overlooking who you should notify when you change addresses.
White Glove Movers has been providing professional moving services to Cedar Rapids and surrounding areas since 2004, which means we know a thing or two about making the moving process as easy as it can be.

Start by making and keeping track of a list

It may not seem like it, but chances are there are dozens of people and businesses that will need your new address. From your bank to your doctor, it’s important to account for everyone. In order to stay organized, avoid making calls until you’ve penned a list of who needs to know your new address. If you can’t think of everyone at the moment, that’s okay. Keep track of where you place the list, adding to it if necessary, and checking people off as you go.

As a team of professional movers, we can think of several companies and business off the tops of our heads that need to know your new address. Here’s a brief rundown of who you should inform before you move:

· Financial institutions: When moving, you should notify your credit card company, your bank, and your student loan agency. If you forget to do this, statements could end going to your old address and that wouldn’t be good.
· The state: Government institutions should also be on your list as you only have a certain amount of time to update your address on your driver’s license, car tags, and voter registration when you move.
· Your employer: To ensure you receive important tax information, be sure your employer knows you’ve relocated.
· Car insurance companies: Since your coverage may be based in part on where you live, you may end up paying less if you change your address, especially if you move to another state.
· Utility companies: To avoid disruptions in any of your services, be sure to let them know your new address ahead of time since most cable and satellite companies will assist you with moving and setup services in your new space.
· Mail subscriptions: Unless you want your copies of Entertainment Weekly to continue showing up on your previous doorstep, let any subscription services know you’ll be relocating.
· The post office: One of the best ways to ensure you continue receiving may without a hitch is to complete a change of address form with your local post office. This can be done in person or online. If you want to go the extra mile, you can even have postcards made that notify your recipient to change your address in their records.

One of the best ways to save time and effort during the moving process is to seek the help of a professional residential moving company. To get up with packing, furniture relocation, and moving, be sure to give White Glove Movers a call today.

What to Consider When Moving for a Job

Whether you’ve been through several rounds of interviews or are in the beginning stages of mulling it over, relocating for a job is definitely a big deal.
For many people, relocating for a job is a sign of upward progression, but it should be something that brings you joy. The key is planning ahead, so before you sign the official paperwork, be sure to think about the questions listed and topics discussed below.
  • Where will my new home be?
  • Who will pay for my moving expenses?
  • How am I going to move? Am I going to hire a professional moving company?
  • Is the job truly a good match for me?
  • What is the local economy of the area I’ll be moving to?
  • What is the cost of living there?
  • Is my partner onboard with this?
  • What if it doesn’t work out? What’s our back-up plan?
  • Do I think I’ll be happy there? Will my family be happy there?

Be sure to ask what they’ll do (and pay for) in order to get you

Remember, this company is interested in you. If they’ve offered you a position knowing it requires a move on your part, they’re clearly invested in hiring you. Be sure to ask from the get-go what kind of relocation packages are available and what they’re willing to pay for.
One of your main goals is to make your move as inexpensive and seamless as possible, so ask what they’ll cover as far as moving costs. Some companies will cover shipping charges for your belongings, but this may be the case only if you stay in the position for the agreed upon time. Be sure to get the details regarding packing and unboxing, to professional moving services they’ll pay for.

Get the scoop on your new city

When visiting your new city, be sure to ask people what it’s like to live there. Whether it’s someone at the local coffee shop or the cashier at the supermarket, speaking to people is a great way to get to know your new environment.
Joining social media groups is a great way to get to know your new city too. Looking up the local buy, sell, and trade group, or the group for a local organization is a great way to start getting your toes wet.
It’s also highly possible that friends or family members of your friends may live in your new city. Post a status such as, “Anyone know anybody in Cedar Rapids?” for example. You’d be surprised at how quickly the connections will start revealing themselves.

Hire a professional moving company

Sometimes the best way to reduce stress is to leave certain things to the professionals. Before moving day, you’ll be busy rearranging your children’s schools, filling out paperwork, and supporting your partner in finding a new job. Let a team of professional residential movers handle all the packing, moving, and unpacking you’ll need. This will take the excess responsibility off of you and put your mind at ease regarding the handling of your belongings