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Top 6 Helpful Tips for Moving to Cedar Rapids

Perhaps you or your spouse just got a job offer in Cedar Rapids, Iowa and now you’re breaking the news to your friends and family. Once they get over the initial shock, the questions will start pouring in.

“What’s in Iowa?” and “Why there?” are guaranteed to be the first couple questions out of their mouths.

If you’re not from eastern Iowa or you’ve never visited it, then Cedar Rapids can be a difficult city to picture. Especially with many people who have the misconceptions that Iowans only subside on corn and that they all live on farms in remote areas where internet signals don’t exist.

This is absolutely NOT TRUE!

The truth is that Iowa has a lot going on and Cedar Rapids has become a hub of fun, business success, culture, and activities for the whole family.

While you’re preparing to move to the second largest city in Iowa, we’d like you to know six things about this eastern Iowa city:

1.Movers are available

Whether you’re moving from out of state or from the other side of the state, White Glove Movers can help you get here. We recommend speaking with several residential movers and getting estimates from each one.

If you work with our team, you’ll find that we have little to no overhead costs, which means we pass the savings on to you. Why is that? We’re locally owned and operated!

2.Significant neighborhoods

Cedar Rapids is divided into sections by the river and 1st Avenue, which means there are prominent areas around town. Czech Village and New Bohemia are districts located near the downtown area that have blossomed over the years.

Both of these neighborhoods offer a blend of housing, cool local shops, and walkable streets to peruse. Czech Village has been inhabited by multiple generations of the same families, which gives it a historical feel. 

3.Brace yourself for the sirens

If you’re new to the midwest then you’ll need to prepare yourself for the tornado sirens. In Cedar Rapids, we’re fortunate to not have many tornadoes pass through (knock on wood) but we like to be prepared.

The first Wednesday morning of the month we’ll test our tornado sirens to make sure everything is kosher. And don’t worry, we’ll let you know it’s a test before they start.

4.Factories for your olfactory system

Cedar Rapids is a processing town so it’s home to several factories that manufacture products that are shipped around the country. With that privilege comes a range of smells. Some are fantastic and some are not so great.

When you wander downtown, you’ll get a whiff of Quaker Oats that can smell yeast-y, like eggs, or like Crunch Berries. You’ll quickly discover that everybody here prefers Crunch Berry day.

5.Prepare for all seasons

Iowa will give you a full blast of each season, so prepare for mild springs, humid summers, cool falls, and snow-covered winters. Each year is a little bit different. Sometimes spring gets lost in the matrix and we go straight to summer. Winter can contain lots of snow or minimal amounts – it just depends on what mother nature wants to do.

Either way, we know that Iowa winters won’t last for years like they do on “Game of Thrones.”

6.A wide-ranged economy

The downtown area is the center for the city’s banking, insurance, processing, and telecommunication industries. Rockwell Collins, a Fortune 500 company, has a main location here in Cedar Rapids and is one of the city’s largest employers. The city’s job market has been growing consistently and unemployment rates have plummeted.

Come join us!

Do you need a residential mover to help you relocate to Cedar Rapids, Iowa? Give the team at White Glove Movers a call or complete our online quote form. We’ll happily help you pack, move, and get your items back into your home. Call us today to schedule an estimate.

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