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5 Bizarre Items Moved By Professional Movers

As a professional moving company that’s been in the Cedar Rapids area since 2004, we can tell you a few stories that are sure cause some puzzled looks. Moving might seem like a mundane career, but we can honestly tell you, it’s not.

Professional movers are asked to move some bulky, strange, and downright weird items. In some cases, homeowners have been shy about asking while others simply look at you with a “well, there it is” expression.

Here are 5 bizarre items moved by professional moving companies that we just have to share:


Customers of professional moving companies come in all shapes and sizes. Things get really interesting when customers are game hunters. At a hunter’s house, it’s our responsibility to make sure trophies move to their new destination as safe and sound as fine china. When customers have extensive collections of stuffed deer heads, bears, buffaloes, pheasants, and more, it takes an expert’s touch to get them all packed and loaded onto the moving truck.

Carrying all of those animal heads onto the truck can be quite entertaining, but you can count on our Cedar Rapids team to wrap them in packing paper, bubble wrap, and to treat them with care during the moving process.

2.Your family pets

Speaking of animals, most moving companies don’t transport animals or plants for that matter. If you have one family pet that’s safely tucked in their pet carrier, you might be able to talk your moving company into transporting them for a short distance, but asking your mover to transport your ten cats or four dogs is pushing your luck.

If you identify as a crazy cat lady or an avid dog lover, make arrangements to have your pets transported to your new space with friends or family members.

3.Adult items

Every homeowner is different and each one has their own comfort level, but sometimes professional moving companies get too close for comfort. One of the best pieces of advice we can give you is to take your valuable (and “special”) items with you to your new home so you can keep track of the boxes.

No matter how much you trust your professional movers, there are certain items you should just move yourself including adult toys. Handling a box of your more personal adult items can result in some unwanted buzzing that leads to laughter and embarrassment.

4.Loved ones’ ashes

While we’re on the subject of valuable and sensitive items, let’s talk about cremation urns and ashes. Every moving company should carry insurance for short and long distance moves, but there are certain objects that can’t be replaced if broken. If possible, don’t take a chance on your family member’s ashes. Plan to transport the urn with you to your new home so you can make sure it arrives safely and doesn’t stress anybody else out in the process.

5.Doll collections

As a Cedar Rapids moving company, we know that the midwest is home to people from all walks of life. We’re not quick to judge, but we’ve seen the darker side of collections. There have been a few people over the years who collect odd items such as baby dolls. Now, we’re not talking the cute kind such as Precious Moments, we’re talking creepy dolls that look like something out of a Stephen King movie.

We’re happy to pack up and transport your items for you, but if you’d rather handle items from your strange collection yourself, we’re all for it.

Get a moving estimate

Whether you’re moving to the other side of town or across the country, White Glove Movers is here to help. We specialize in residential and commercial moves and can give you an estimate as soon as you call us.

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