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What to ask when moving for a job

You’ve been offered a job in a new city! Perhaps within the same company or maybe a new organization, either way, congrats! Now what? For some, this is an instant yes. For others, there are a few questions that need to be asked.

The most important question comes in two parts – Living arrangements.

Where am I going to live and who is paying for the move?

When you have an offer to move to a new city, you may or may not have done some research about that city. If you have been seeking employment or waiting for your company to open up an opportunity there, then you likely have some knowledge. Use that to your advantage. Hire a realtor and get involved in as many programs as you can. Most importantly, visit a few times before actually moving.

Who is responsible for the expenses?

This is a question that should be asked as part of the negotiation prior to acceptance. Some companies will provide for all of the expenses, while others will split a percentage with you. Others still may offer housing, or provide closing cost fees. Get clear on your options to avoid unexpected expenses.

Cost of living, how will it affect my long-term goals?

This is as vital as relocation fees. If you are moving from the Midwest where the cost of living is low, to one of the coasts, where a house just like yours is four to five times more expensive, everything changes. Reversed, you may feel like you just won the lottery! Be aware of what things will cost you and be sure the pay is enough for you to live and save for your future.

Culture, is this a good match?

Company culture is vital for personal happiness, but so is making sure the culture of a city matches you. Will you be able to find and make friends outside of work. Are there family-friendly events, if that is important to you. Are there things to do and see and experience? Do the vision and mission of the company resonate with you and can you see yourself learning, growing and advancing.

Opportunities for my significant other?

If your partner is moving with you, how easily available are jobs in his/her field? Will your income be enough to support your family until he/she finds a job?

Have you made a pros/cons list?

This may sound silly for some people, but you are making a major change in your life that will have effects for years. Be honest with yourself about why to move, why to stay and how it will affect all aspects from parents to children and friends.

What is the weather like?

You’ve heard that Seattle is the rainiest city and Chicago is the windiest. Weather is an important factor when deciding where to move. If you hate blistering cold winters or can’t stand sweltering heat, be sure to include this on your pro or con list.

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