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Things They Just Don’t Tell You About Moving to A Little Town

Are you considering to make the big move to a smaller place?

Have you taken things into consideration?

If not yet, this article is for you!

Tired from the city lights? Are you planning to trade it to somewhere smaller and quieter? Here are some insights from people that already moved to the countryside.

Variety can come in different forms

As people are different, places are also different. You might be surprised about the culture, the plant life, the scenery, or just the town itself. It can get you overwhelmed. So before moving to to a new place; it is best to check it out first.

See if these differences can be a relief and whether the place can be considered a better home for you and your family.

The value of education may vary

For city people, finishing college is an utmost priority. But for townfolks, this may not be the case. So if you feel that you share the same principles, then moving to a little town will be a great idea.

It’s a slow motion

Living in a smaller town can slow things down. Things don’t need to be in a hurry, so you can enjoy real moments with the family.

This is not the same in large cities where people have their plates full of appointments. Their time there is fast pacing. So if you are looking for this kind of lifestyle, move to a little town in Iowa.

It is refreshing, peaceful and quiet

This is one but the obvious things you can have for living in a place where there are fewer people. Sometimes, less is more.

Parking will never be an issue

Have you ever been in a situation wherein you have spent an hour just to find a parking space in a convenience store or in the mall?

Living in the countryside can put this dilemma past behind. Since there are fewer people in these locations, there will also be fewer cars in most, if not all of these parking spaces.

You can enjoy strong community ties

A smaller town, with few people living in it, has a stronger sense of community. Since communication is easier because of the area’s size, calling for help, or support is not a big deal.

It will provide you with  unique experiences and opportunities

Take them! You will surely get a chance to try something new and different. Make sure to grab that opportunity to go out of your comfort zone. Whether it may be about sports or foods you haven’t tried before, go on and try them!

The medical facilities may be limited

Since it is a small town, there might be fewer medical facilities in it compared to the big cities. It can leave you fewer options or you might have to travel to neighboring cities just to find a specialist for your condition.

Business and personal matters can be mixed up

Business and personal life can get messy! Well you know, hiding something from just a four corner area can be hard. Transparency is everywhere. Everyone knows everyone. Hiding from their eyes will need some magic.

So if you want to remain private – choosing a little town may not be a good choice.

Long travels will be a norm

For small local areas where there are fewer stores, traveling lengthy roads and hours is just normal. This is especially true if you are suddenly craving for that frozen yogurt in the middle of the day.

You’ll have a limited job opportunity

Small place with few stores and businesses running around results in fewer job opportunities. Be sure to be prepared working out of your degree for an income. If you don’t want to, you might as well create your own or put up a business.

Everyone is sure to know everyone

Do you remember when we told you that business and personal matters can be mixed up? That is because everyone knows everyone in this little town. So be careful with your words, they are attached and related to everyone. Loose lips are strongly prohibited.

Do you think moving to a little town is the best option for you? Send us a message so we can help you in moving in.

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