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Protecting Your Vacant Home During a Vacation or Move

Letting your home sit empty for a short period of time during a move or a vacation doesn’t seem like a big deal, but this is the perfect opportunity for burglars to step in. There are lots of terrible things that can happen to your home when it sits vacant including damage and theft.

The good news is that protecting your vacant home is simple. If you follow these steps, you’ll create a safe, secure home while you’re away.

1. Install a security system

Cedar Rapids is a relatively safe community, but that doesn’t mean you should be trusting enough to let your home sit empty with no protection during your move or vacation. Investing in a security system will save you money on your insurance policy and give you peace of mind knowing you’ll be protected whenever you’re gone. Not sure what kind of system to get? Choose a system that includes monitoring services, fire alarms, and surveillance so you can get notifications regarding any activity in or near your home. It’s always a good idea to let your alarm company know you’ll be out of town and if anyone is house sitting for you so they can come and go as needed.

2. Program your thermostats

Try as we might to stay organized during a move, things can get complicated and chaotic quickly. Sometimes homeowners forget to adjust their thermostats on moving day, and since you’ll be quite busy that morning, take the time to program your thermostat the night before. If you’re moving in the winter and your house will be empty, leave the heat on so the pipes don’t burst. Is it the middle of summer and the Iowa humidity has set in? Leave your air running so the wood doesn’t swell and mold doesn’t set in. A lot of thermostats now have WiFi capability and can be programmed from your phone, so if you forget, take a moment to adjust it from wherever you are.

3. Use bright exterior lights

Do you need to take a couple days to finalize the moving process? Don’t let your house sit unprotected at night. Putting up some bright exterior lights is a great way to deter intruders, especially when it’s clear you’re moving. Do you have a detached garage or shed? Don’t forget to install lights on them. Using a timer will give the illusion that someone is home and the house isn’t sitting empty. You can also go the extra mile and install exterior video cameras to give an added security boost.

4. Inform a trusted neighbor

If you’re on vacation or when you’re moving, it’s important to have a local contact regularly check on the house. This gives the impression that someone is there and gives you a head’s up on any potential problems. If you don’t know anyone in the area that can help you, there are companies who will complete such check-ins for you.

5. Prep for your time away

There are some final things you should get done before you move or go on vacation that will boost your home’s security. Replace worn locks and close blinds so prying eyes will be turned away. Avoid an easy break-in by making sure there are strong locks on all exterior doors.

If you’d like some help with the moving process, speak to the professional team at White Glove Movers. Based in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, we’re a locally owned and operated residential moving company that performs interstate and intrastate moves. We can also give you guidance on enhancing your home’s security during the moving process. Give us a call today!

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