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Moving 101: Cross Country Moving Made Easy

So you’ve finally done it: you’ve made the decision to move across the country. Perhaps you landed the dream job you’ve always wanted, you’ve been accepted to your first choice university, or you’re ready to get out of your home state. Regardless of the reason, no doubt you’ve realized that moving across the country is no small feat. Between the worries, planning, and constant phone calls you’ll be making with family members and movers, you’re probably already feeling overwhelmed. Now comes the difficulty of actually packing and moving.

What You Can do to Prepare

In an effort to feel like you’re making progress, you may be tempted to start packing right away. In reality, your first task should be to clean, organize, and de-clutter. As you’re about to discover, moving out of state or across the country takes more time and money than simply switching neighborhoods. This is why it’s crucial you take the time to donate, sell, or give away any items you no longer want. After all, there’s no point in paying to move junk you no longer use, right? Keep in mind that this de-cluttering process should take you about two months, so be sure to leave a wide space of time between making the decision to move and the actual moving day. Below are three ways to help you get started:

Step 1: Clean your heart out

If you’re like most American adults, you’ve most likely avoided spring cleaning for a couple years now. In an effort to make things easier on yourself, allow time to clean, dust, and put your belongings away. Though this seems like it would slow you down, it actually makes the moving process easier because you’ll be able to take inventory and find what you need quicker than when everything was cluttered.

Step 2: Part with items you no longer need

In addition to throwing out the trash, be prepared to part with items you no longer need. Do you have old college textbooks you haven’t cracked open since before graduation? Do you have clothing you no longer wear? Donate them! The less extra items you have to pack, the better off you are. Take your unwanted items to Goodwill and get a tax write-off or have a yard sale and use the extra cash for moving expenses.

Step 3: Get help packing

In order to alleviate some of the burdens that come with moving, consider hiring a professional mover. In addition to doing the moving for you, residential movers will help you pack your items properly, including your antiques and fragile items. While you’re still in the organization phase, call a professional mover or two and schedule a consultation with each of them. A good, professional mover will take the time to come to your home and give you an estimate for your cross-country move. Once you’ve compared movers, discuss your game plan with your mover. As a team of professionals, they’ll have the best ideas for making moving day easy but they’ll also be willing to discuss your wants and requests. Don’t be shy in letting them know what you expect and what you need help with.

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