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Keeping Your Fine Art Safe During a Move

While you value many aspects of your home, it’s clear that your art collection is one of your most prized possessions. Whether you have one conversation piece or multiple sculptures, moving your art can be challenging. Fortunately, there are some easy steps you can take to protect your pieces during your residential move.

Here are some professional tips we’d like you to know:

1. Take inventory and gather data: If you have multiple pieces in your collection, now is a good time to take an inventory if you don’t already have one. If you’re working with a professional moving company, they’ll need to know the size, weight, dimensions, material, and other important pieces of information in order to give you a proper quote. It’s also good to know how many pieces you’re moving so they can be easily accounted for in the new destination.

2. Make a photo album: You don’t have to print out the photos and make a scrapbook, but if any of the pieces sustain damage, you’ll need photographic evidence. This will make the claim filing process much easier.

3. Brush up on your insurance policy: Did you know that some homeowner insurance policies cover your items during transit? Make sure you know the level of protection your policy provides for your fine art and sculptures.

4. Consider moving insurance: Any high-end and expensive art pieces should be covered by moving insurance. There are companies that specialize in offering policies solely for moving fine art pieces, so seek them out. Once you have an appraisal, purchase the best policy for your collection. Your pieces will then be covered should loss, damage, or accidents occur.

5. Look into storage: You’ve invested in your sculptures and fine art pieces, so the last thing you want to do is ruin them during storage. Should you need to tuck your items away for a time, be sure you know what kind of conditions they should be stored in. If necessary, choose a facility that offers temperature and humidity control as well as filtered or natural lighting.

6. Study up on appraisals: High-value collections should be appraised before the moving process starts. You should know that there are two types of appraisals – current value and replacement value. Current value appraisals tell you the coverage based on the piece’s current worth whereas replacement value focuses on how much the piece costs to replace.

7. When in doubt, use crates: Paintings, sculptures, and other large pieces need to be protected during a move. Customized wooden crates are the way to go because pieces can be moved several times before they’re ever put onto the truck. Pro tip: Wooden crates also preserve the quality of your art.

8. Invest in climate control: You do have the option of renting climate-controlled vehicles for your art pieces, so why not use one? This is the best way to keep your pieces safe during your move.

As with any precious items you may be moving to your new home, it’s important to take the time to protect them. You’ve spent years investing and collecting your sculptures and fine art. Be sure they’re taken care of during your move by following these tips.

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