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Is Moving from a House to an Apartment or Condo the Right Move for You?

Are you getting ready to move from a house to a new apartment or condo? Your upcoming move is an exciting new start but it may feel strange or overwhelming if it’s been a while since you moved. When the stress and anxiety start kick in, it’s natural to have second thoughts about whether or not this is the best thing for you. Don’t worry!

Change throws us for a loop but it doesn’t have to be scary. Here are some important things you can expect when moving from a house to an apartment or condo that will help you decide if this is the right kind of move for you.

Get Ready to Downsize

The minimalist movement continues in full swing so people are all about downsizing. A simple search on Pinterest or YouTube will produce thousands of strategies for improving your life by downsizing. You, however, have already decided that downsizing may be the right thing for you. Moving from a house to an apartment or condo requires to you let go of some of your excess belongings. Let’s take a closer look at how this will impact you.

Reduced Space

The biggest change you’ll have to adapt to is a smaller home. Most apartments and condos are designed for efficiency, which means you get less square footage and bedrooms will be smaller. Less square footage means you’ll have to rethink your furniture. For example, that oversized sofa of yours will need to be traded in for a smaller one. This might be a bit depressing at first but the bright side is that you can go shopping and invest in furniture that gives your decor a whole new look.

A Smaller Yard (or Lack Thereof)

If mowing the lawn is therapeutic for you, then you’ll have a big adjustment to make when you move into an apartment or condo. However, if you detest mowing then you can happily watch out your window as the mowers do the job for you. If you lead a busy and professional life, or if you have small children at home, skipping the lawn mowing can be a huge perk.

The best part is that your landscaping will look fabulous all the time and you won’t have to break a sweat. Do you like to garden? Maintain your green thumb with a container garden on your balcony! Remember, you don’t have to give up everything you love just because you’re moving into a smaller space.

Less Storage Space

Before you move, you should do some serious cleaning out. All of those tubs, bins, and totes you have packed with items won’t fit in your new apartment or condo. Comb through every closet, drawer, cupboard, nook, and cranny and let go of what you can live without. If you’re a new renter this is a good opportunity to declutter.

Removing extra baggage around your home is quite liberating, so keep that in mind if you’re hesitating to make a final decision. If you still have a lot of items that you can’t go without consider renting an affordable storage unit where your items will be safe.

Moving from a home to an apartment or condo can be the perfect opportunity to simplify your life. It’s amazing how much “stuff” you can accumulate when you have the space. Downsizing to an apartment or condo is an effective way to ask yourself what you truly need to be happy.

If you’re getting ready to move from a house to an apartment or condo, speak with the professional team at White Glove Movers. We’ve been helping Iowans complete residential moves since 2004 and would love to help you. Give us a call today and we’ll gladly provide you with an estimate.

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