4600 Commercial Ave. MARION, IA 52302
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How to Find Quality Moving Companies in Cedar Rapids (Part 2 of 2)

We’ve given you five tips to easily detect reliable movers in Cedar Rapids from the “bogus” ones. Let us continue our journey of finding the best moving companies in Cedar Rapids with these 6 additional tips.

6. Do they have packing options?

Most of the time, movers in Cedar Rapids also offer packing options. This helps you save time and labor, especially if you are very busy with your stuff. However, do note that this could mean more fees to pay on your end.

If you want to save on these packing options, it is best to pack it yourself. However, leave the valuable and fragile items for them to handle. This ensures these will not get damaged while moving due to wrong packing.

7. Are there any hidden or extra fees not mention in their package?

Be proactive. Inquire if there are any additional fees you should know.

This may include additional costs if they are going to move furniture up to the 5th floor of an apartment, especially if there are no elevators. Ensure all of these are settled before you sign that contract with them. Otherwise, you may be unknowingly facing a huge moving fee.

8. Do they have any contracts for you to sign to seal the deal?

Make sure everything is written in the contract. Never agree if you see blank items in the document. Everything should be specified in writing. This includes the following:

  • Terms
  • Price
  • Date of move out and move in
  • Extra fees if there’s any

Read the contract carefully. Make sure that all your belongings are listed accurately and that you have a copy of that list so you can check your things upon delivery.

9. What kind of quotes do they offer?

There are 3 kinds of quotes movers in Cedar Rapids may include in the contract. These are as follow:

Non-binding estimate: means the moving company cannot require you any payment that is more than 10% above the original estimated price. If there are any overages, it must be paid within 30 days of the delivery.

Non-binding to exceed estimate: this ensures that you do not have to pay for any excess on the original estimated price. The estimated price should be the maximum of payment you need to pay for all the services rendered.

Binding Estimate: this states the guaranteed price for the moving and any extra services and fees. If you request additional services beyond what is in the contract such as unpacking, fees should be paid within 30 days of the delivery.

What do these imply?

It means a GUARANTEED PRICE stated on your original quote may not actually be the rate you need to pay because of additional fees that may be included in the services you may ask from them. The final cost of your move will be the price indicated in your contract. So do read your contract, carefully.

10. Who do you report to if there are any problems?

If there’s any problem, you have nine months to report it to the company for you to file an insurance claim. Thus, it is important to open your belongings as soon as possible and check for any damages.

As additional proof, you may even have these recorded. So if any of your fragile items got broken, you have a video that shows it wasn’t handled with care even if they knew that there are fragile items inside a specific bos.

11. Do they have a moving insurance and valuation security?

All moving companies are liable for the values of the things they are transporting. However, there are 2 levels when it comes to their liability and you have to be aware of the charges applied and the amount of protection given by each.

Full (Replacement) Value Protection:

This is the most comprehensive level of protection available for your things. In this plan, if one of your things are broken or has been damaged through delivery, the movers have an option to:

  • Repair it to the same condition if possible or pay you for the cost f repair.
  • Replace it with the same item or pay you for the cost of replacement.

In this protection, movers can set a limitation on the extent of their liability of coverage. Make sure to ask your mover for a full explanation of that limitation to set expectations.

Alternative Level of Liability:

This is a no-cost option is the most cost-effective protection but only offers minimal security. In this option, the movers take responsibility for no more than 60 cents per pound per damaged good. There is no charge for this minimal security but a specific statement must be signed. If this option is not selected, your item will be delivered on a full replacement value protection and you might be evaluated the appropriate charge.

We hope that these tips can help you assess which moving company in Cedar Rapids you should choose.

Have a safe trip!

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